Watch Movie The Last Airbender 1080i(hd) Hd-720p USA eng sub no

The Last Airbender 1080i(hd) Hd-720p USA eng sub no registration



Genre Action; ; Stars Nicola Peltz; M. Night Shyamalan; USA; The world is divided into four kingdoms, each represented by the element they harness, and peace has lasted throughout the realms of Water, Air, Earth, and Fire under the supervision of the Avatar, a link to the spirit world and the only being capable of mastering the use of all four elements. When young Avatar Aang disappears, the Fire Nation launches an attack to eradicate all members of the Air Nomads to prevent interference in their future plans for world domination. 100 years pass and current Fire Lord Ozai continues to conquer and imprison anyone with elemental "bending" abilities in the Earth and Water Kingdoms, while siblings Katara and Sokka from a Southern Water Tribe find a mysterious boy trapped beneath the ice outside their village. Upon rescuing him, he reveals himself to be Aang, Avatar and last of the Air Nomads. Swearing to protect the Avatar, Katara and Sokka journey with him to the Northern Water Kingdom in his quest to master "Waterbending" and eventually fulfill his destiny of once again restoring peace to the world. But as they inch nearer to their goal, the group must evade Prince Zuko, the exiled son of Lord Ozai, Commander Zhao, the Fire Nation"s military leader, and the tyrannical onslaught of the evil Fire Lord himself

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I feel like this analysis is exclusively from the perspective of someone who has already seen the whole show and is familiar with the characters. What I think you overlooked is that Avatar established its characters before moving on with the plot. On the first watch, season one serves mostly as character development so the viewer understands the characters and takes an interest in them personally, so it didn"t need to be dark and I think that its light tone actually helps it out.
Blood-bending beats it all.
Ik were all saying it but im gonna say it again, i hate this movie.
This entire movie: The Uh-vatar Ung once meant General Eeeroh when his nephew captured him, because he lost an Agni Keeeeeey where he got an almost invisible scar. Soooooka eventually came to rescue Ung with his sister who has no personality. The end.

Fire: Indian Earth: Chinese Water: white person Air: white person. I really hated the fact that the firebenders needed a source of fire to bend. 6:34 imma let my 10 year self out for one moment HAHAHAHAHA HER HAIR IS A PEE PEE ok I"m done...

Weird, he"s talking about a movie that doesn"t exist for 12 minutes

I was gonna watch this movie. Until i saw this trailer I thought this movie was good. Until i saw this trailer. Who told the producers that this was a good movie. who told them that asian people were white. The most disappointing thing is that Iroh aint even his cute chubby self. Nickelodeon now be like Did we actually made this.

Everything changed when shyamalan direct. Best show ever, worst movie ever. CinemaSins: Everything wrong with The Last Airbender Me: It exists. YEEES! literally searched this weekend because I couldn"t remember if this had been done yet. (love the Veggie Tales outtake. The animated series was great but the movie is just, I"m gonna puke. Its so sad that no other cartoon has or will ever reach the same caliber that this show did. This battle was one of the most intense, and suspenseful scenes in all of animated history. Just, perfection. We can all argue about which book was best, but lets be honest with ourselves, We needed more Zuko. Its really interesting to see a critique of this from someone who never watched the show. This perfectly sums up everything i hate about the movie and then some as a longtime fan of the show. Avatar is the only kids show i know of that ages like a fine wine - the older you are the more youre able to appreciate it. The movie threw out everything there is to like about avatar and unironically threw together a pathetic shitty ms paint version of everything. Like they just wanted the bending choreography for the kiddies and realized they needed something to hold it all together and stripped the show down to the bare minimum of what could be considered plot if you squint really hard. And then they fucked up the coreography at LEAST as badly anyway so what the fuck was the point? Ive seen some really good breakdowns on what the movie fucked up that the show did perfectly but the simplest way to summarize it is just looking at what a borderline insult to zukos character the movie version is - a boy who was abused and disowned by his father just for “disrespecting” him by showing the slightest shred of human decency in front of him, and even that wasnt enough punishment apparently.

Think about it, this movie is the exact opposite to the show meaning balance is still a thing. I"m here to eat popcorn and read the comments.

Buddy. It"s been 9 years. And NOBODY is over this movie. IT"S THAT BAD

Anyone else need their yearly dosage of avatar??. When aang turned into the avatar state, the fight changed into a game of duck duck goose. Can we just have dozens of sins because of how they pronounce Aang. I"ve been waiting years for this. Idk what it is but I feel like that flashback scene bothers me a bit. Maybe it could have been shown beforehand and not this scene? Or maybe it"s because it dragged on for too long, idk.

This entire movie should have just been an original story in the avatar universe, animated. it blew 150,000,000 dollar on this shit design, should have just spent it paying some people from studio trigger and the original last air bender team to do it, and it would have made triple its budget back. 5:08 And I guess that means Aang is a liar. Me: OH, he"s a f* ing liar alright! Remembers The Great Divide.


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